Sunday 27 January 2013

Weekend round up:

Ok people! This weekend was very fun. Saturday was the big day, the inter house athletics. There are four houses, J,K,L and M and the way they put people into houses is just by classes (forms to us). So there is 1L, 1K,1J and 1M, 2L,2K,2J and 2M all the way to 6. (1 is year 7 to us.) Ok so I think that is the best way to describe it, it's a bit confusing I know.  We (the sports department) had been doing a lot of prep work for the inter-house and luckily it ran smoothly. Thursday and Friday after school were the field events so Saturday was just the track events. We started at 8.30 am to avoid the midday sun and midday temperatures (on Thursday it got to 40degrees!) there was a really great atmosphere with lots of shouting and cheering! What really impressed me was that the head teacher got involved, he was the person who signified when the time keepers were ready by raising a white flag. Then relays were the last event but before this we took a short break. the teachers (and the teacher aides!!!!) went to the staff room for some snacks. Now we aren't normally allowed to have the teachers food that they get in school break time so this was a real treat especially as it was a better than a normal spread including pizza, cupcakes, scones with jam and cream mmmm. After this we headed back out for the relays and then Bruce announced the winner which created more screaming and running around in celebration!! 

Later that day Tamara and I went to a nearby shop called 'botswanacraft'. This was mentioned in my lonely planet book courtesy of Auntie Gill, Uncle Steve and Chris so I couldn't wait to get some good bargains. It was massive and specialised in the classic African crafts as well as traditional Botswana gifts too! As you can guess I came away with more bags than I went in with! Hopefully they will fit in my luggage on my return...

That evening we watched Anna Karenina which was actually really good. We have taken to watching one film a weekend, Tamara's brother has downloaded a load of movies from 2012 that Tamara has so that's really fun. All in all a busy Saturday with a chilled evening! 

Today I have actually had quite a lot to do! I have been researching places to stay for when I travel after MaP. This is very headache inducing as there are so many different options and packages! I also Skyped home, replied to emails and am updating my blog (as you can tell). Me and Adjoa might play tennis later as well if the heat dies down (we were inspired after spending the morning watching the final of the Aussie Open, poor Murrey!!)
 Next weekend is still open. We plan to join the Form 1 boarders and a teacher, (can't remember their name) who are walking up the large hill called Kgale Hill on Saturday morning. We leave in the dark and get up there for sunrise!

Ok, I will leave you with an interesting fact Adjoa told me-in government run schools in Botswana it is still perfectly acceptable to whip/cane kids! This is done for small or large offences which range from being late to class to missing a detention. So kids next time you complain about school in the UK, count yourself lucky you don't go to school in Botswana!

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