Monday 14 January 2013

I made it!!

I have internet!! Where do I begin? So after about the LONGEST day ever on Sunday after playing endless card games I walked through security, if a little teary eyed, and into the departure lounge. The Virgin flight was good although what wasn't good was the fact that the couple to the right of me across the aisle had a baby with them that could only just about hold its head up! Very surprisingly the baby didn't cry once! I wanted to kiss it when we landed but thought that would be pretty awkward. South Africa airport was hot, and confusing (Julie you would not be impressed with the signage! Very confusing!)  Then I had my biggest mission yet. The Air Botswana flight. It was a propeller plane with 4 seats across (also featured the Botswana national football team as passengers). So the flight was only 50 minutes, yay.  BUT...the pilot said before we took off, "it will be bumpy when we take off and land ladies and gentlemen"....ah. For those of you that know me well I do not like turbulence on planes so that wasn't fun, but I just shut my eyes for 50mins and attempted to sleep; which wasn't that difficult considering I had only had 4 hours on the Virgin flight. So anyway, we landed and I got off the plane and felt like my face was being melted off. IT IS SO HOT HERE! Hopefully I will get used to it and luckily there is a air cooling system in my room so it makes it a little more bearable. 

I met the driver who had come to pick me up and got to Maru-a-Pula in time for some lunch, fish and chips, how fitting. The people are all real lovely here. Adjoa and Tamara are two of the other TAs and they are really nice. They took me to the local 'mall',  which is just a dodgy looking club (it has called itself nite club!) and a small supermarket.

Tomorrow is our sort of briefing day, I'm helping the sports department (yes dad I know your laughing right now).  I can barely walk in this heat let alone run!! Here is the other killer: school is 7 till 12.40 and breakfast is at 6.20!!!!!!!!

Right I can't really think of much else to include. I will do another update hopefully some point this week. Hope England is nice, I kind of miss the cold, just a little! Love you all 

J xx


  1. Hi Jo
    Looking forwaqrd to hearing about your life at the school, in the niteclub and your burgeoning career as a sports teacher!!
    You don't want to be in the cold here...-8 this morning!!
    Have fun
