Sunday 27 January 2013

The GBH (girls boarding house)

So some of you have been asking me about the boarding house so i thought I would do a blog post on it-aren't you guys lucky! So...
There are two boarding houses, a girls and a boys both quite far apart (which I'm guessing they did on purpose!)
There are 45 of us in the girls boarding house. These range from year 7s to sixthformers. Many of the children that board are the ones that were lucky enough to get one of the scholarships so there are a few who are quite disadvantaged. (I was playing on my ipad mini earlier and one girl in year 7 came up asking to have a go and all she kept saying was "wow" "i have never seen one of these before or touched one". It put things in a bit of perspective! (cheesy cheesy)

The boarding house has two floors. Downstairs there is one corridor with about 14 rooms (two beds to a room) which is year 11s and there are the showers, toliets, laundry room and a sort of big open space in between with sofas. Upstairs there is the living room and two other corridors, one with sixth formers who share two to a room and me (but i get my own room!) and another with year 7s and 8s who share 4 to a room. Adjoa, Kelly and Tamara are all downstairs.

On weekdays the bell goes off at 5.30am to wake us all up to ensure we are ready for breakfast at 6.10 (but as you can guess there are always a few girls who are only getting out of bed at 6!) All meals for boarders are served in '"the caf" as its called here and it is situated about halfway between the two boarding houses. This is like a typical canteen, get a plate stuff, it's plopped onto it, grab a drink and sit down on tables with long benches for chairs. The girls and boys both eat in here but sit seperately (apparently thats just the way it is!) 

After school they get some relaxation time when many girls watch tv, walk to the local supermarket which is about 5 minutes away or just chillaxxxx. Dinner is at 6 so its back to the caf and then prep starts at 7. This is when all the girls have to be in their rooms doing homework. They are not really meant to leave their rooms until 8 when there is a 10 minute break. Then the second hour of prep begins. For the TA's we normally make ourselves avaliable as if any students need help they are allowed to come and ask us. So far i have helped with maths (yes Will I know, very funny) and english which was creative writing (not laughing now are we Will!). I really enjoy helping the girls with their work and they are always really gratefull.

During prep there is always a teacher on duty who sits in the office on the second floor. There job is just to oversee and then to do the 'sign in'. This is at 9.30pm on weekdays and they have to go from room to room making sure everyone is in there. Its basically another version of 'lights out'. Most of the time the girls do as they are told but occasionally they do get up and walk around, and when its bad this is when us TAs have to step in. So far this has not had to happen!

On Friday and Saturday there is no prep, breakfast is at 8.30am and sign in is around 10.00pm. I cant actually remember, should probably find that out....On every other Sunday we have a meeting and this is run by the GBH mistress called Ms Mange. Also every Sunday for one of the hours of prep everyone has to clean, sweep and mop their room and then the years take it in turn to sweep and mop the stairs, and the living room. Also each week a different year group sweeps the stairs and living room each day before school.

Ok so a picture tour of the fine sites of the 'GBH' will follow shortly where I make a fool of myself so stay tuned viewers!

If anyone has any questions about the GBH or anything else feel free to email me or just post a comment on here!

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