Wednesday 16 January 2013

Techinical Difficulties + First Day of School!

Ok, so I'm gonna work on the whole not being able to see the pictures and get back to you!

Today was really fun-first day of school. We had a whole school assembly which was COMPLETELY different to the ones at SWCHS. It was really relaxed and the students cheer and clap after the Principle says something they like. He introduced the new teachers and me! It was a little scary- I had to wave at 700 people. The Head of PE here, who I will be working with a lot, was one of the teachers introduced as he had been away for a term. Everyone calls him by his first name Bruce and when he was introduced 700 kids chanted his name-he is one popular guy! The weather wasn't as hot today (yippee!) and it rained which was an odd experience-warm weather but rain! I helped out with two classes today, both year 7 (known as Form 1's here). They were very enthusiastic and it was really fun. :)

Hope England isn't too boring without me!

J xxx

1 comment:

  1. How awesome having a bunch of engaged kids to work with. Does sound like fun xxx
