Sunday 27 January 2013

Jo's guided picture tour of the GBH

My room! (excuse the mess)

Sweeping in the corridor

Reading a mag in the sitting room

walking down stairs to ground floor

Take a left and you reach the toliets! Mmm

Wheyhey and we have reached the showers!

The lovely laundry room


  1. Really enjoyed your blog this evening and all the photos. It looks comfortable without being luxurious. Pleased the LP book is coming in handy xx

  2. Love the photos of the GBH, Jo! Really enjoying the blog and can't wait for the next instalment! How long did all that laundry take you? X

  3. Hello to both of you! Yes book is very handy and the gbh is great. Sam-luckily enough that isn't all my laundry! (i dont think all those clothes would have fitted in my bag!!) xx
