Sunday 20 January 2013

First weekend in Botswana!

Ok! So it's currently 3pm here on a sunny/ rainey Sunday. On Friday I helped out some more with the sports classes. This time I had to help teach....I had to teach shot put to some very unenthusiastic year 10s! Bruce was doing discus, Shambs was teaching javelin and then the groups would switch round each getting a go at each station. Bruce's advice to me on how to teach it was "get them to concentrate on technique". He then proceeded to do some sort of throwing movement which I guessed was how you throw a shot put. So really I was pretty clueless! All I had to go on was Bruce's throwing motion and my memory of shotput lessons at SWCHS. Nevertheless, I did a classic dan clark and made it up as I went along. It went ok and the kids didn't seem too confused!

On Saturday, Tamara and Adjoa took me to the local mall. To get there we took a 'combi'. This is how everyone travels around in Gabs. Is basically a very small and cramped minis bus with no seat belts and with a very relaxed driver!  Once at the local mall we had a look round the shops street stalls (lots of wooden animal carvings) and them went for lunch. It was really fun to see what Gaborone is like as I haven't been out of the school before.  We have a busy week coming up in the sports department. It is the inter house athletics next Saturday so we have practises and lots of admin to do. Busy busy!

P.s it has not stopped raining!it has rained so much on and off for about 4 days. I think I brought the British weather with me! Although I'm not complaining about it, it's a nice change from being baking hot!

Me and Tamara at the mall

Having Lunch

Very cramped Combi!

1 comment:

  1. You having to teach shot putt to year 10 is the funniest thing I've heard in ages - hilarious!
