Sunday 27 January 2013

Jo's guided picture tour of the GBH

My room! (excuse the mess)

Sweeping in the corridor

Reading a mag in the sitting room

walking down stairs to ground floor

Take a left and you reach the toliets! Mmm

Wheyhey and we have reached the showers!

The lovely laundry room

The GBH (girls boarding house)

So some of you have been asking me about the boarding house so i thought I would do a blog post on it-aren't you guys lucky! So...
There are two boarding houses, a girls and a boys both quite far apart (which I'm guessing they did on purpose!)
There are 45 of us in the girls boarding house. These range from year 7s to sixthformers. Many of the children that board are the ones that were lucky enough to get one of the scholarships so there are a few who are quite disadvantaged. (I was playing on my ipad mini earlier and one girl in year 7 came up asking to have a go and all she kept saying was "wow" "i have never seen one of these before or touched one". It put things in a bit of perspective! (cheesy cheesy)

The boarding house has two floors. Downstairs there is one corridor with about 14 rooms (two beds to a room) which is year 11s and there are the showers, toliets, laundry room and a sort of big open space in between with sofas. Upstairs there is the living room and two other corridors, one with sixth formers who share two to a room and me (but i get my own room!) and another with year 7s and 8s who share 4 to a room. Adjoa, Kelly and Tamara are all downstairs.

On weekdays the bell goes off at 5.30am to wake us all up to ensure we are ready for breakfast at 6.10 (but as you can guess there are always a few girls who are only getting out of bed at 6!) All meals for boarders are served in '"the caf" as its called here and it is situated about halfway between the two boarding houses. This is like a typical canteen, get a plate stuff, it's plopped onto it, grab a drink and sit down on tables with long benches for chairs. The girls and boys both eat in here but sit seperately (apparently thats just the way it is!) 

After school they get some relaxation time when many girls watch tv, walk to the local supermarket which is about 5 minutes away or just chillaxxxx. Dinner is at 6 so its back to the caf and then prep starts at 7. This is when all the girls have to be in their rooms doing homework. They are not really meant to leave their rooms until 8 when there is a 10 minute break. Then the second hour of prep begins. For the TA's we normally make ourselves avaliable as if any students need help they are allowed to come and ask us. So far i have helped with maths (yes Will I know, very funny) and english which was creative writing (not laughing now are we Will!). I really enjoy helping the girls with their work and they are always really gratefull.

During prep there is always a teacher on duty who sits in the office on the second floor. There job is just to oversee and then to do the 'sign in'. This is at 9.30pm on weekdays and they have to go from room to room making sure everyone is in there. Its basically another version of 'lights out'. Most of the time the girls do as they are told but occasionally they do get up and walk around, and when its bad this is when us TAs have to step in. So far this has not had to happen!

On Friday and Saturday there is no prep, breakfast is at 8.30am and sign in is around 10.00pm. I cant actually remember, should probably find that out....On every other Sunday we have a meeting and this is run by the GBH mistress called Ms Mange. Also every Sunday for one of the hours of prep everyone has to clean, sweep and mop their room and then the years take it in turn to sweep and mop the stairs, and the living room. Also each week a different year group sweeps the stairs and living room each day before school.

Ok so a picture tour of the fine sites of the 'GBH' will follow shortly where I make a fool of myself so stay tuned viewers!

If anyone has any questions about the GBH or anything else feel free to email me or just post a comment on here!

Inter-House Athletics!

Jo the PE Teacher Aide!

Inter-House Athletics #2

Very excited after my purchases!

Weekend round up:

Ok people! This weekend was very fun. Saturday was the big day, the inter house athletics. There are four houses, J,K,L and M and the way they put people into houses is just by classes (forms to us). So there is 1L, 1K,1J and 1M, 2L,2K,2J and 2M all the way to 6. (1 is year 7 to us.) Ok so I think that is the best way to describe it, it's a bit confusing I know.  We (the sports department) had been doing a lot of prep work for the inter-house and luckily it ran smoothly. Thursday and Friday after school were the field events so Saturday was just the track events. We started at 8.30 am to avoid the midday sun and midday temperatures (on Thursday it got to 40degrees!) there was a really great atmosphere with lots of shouting and cheering! What really impressed me was that the head teacher got involved, he was the person who signified when the time keepers were ready by raising a white flag. Then relays were the last event but before this we took a short break. the teachers (and the teacher aides!!!!) went to the staff room for some snacks. Now we aren't normally allowed to have the teachers food that they get in school break time so this was a real treat especially as it was a better than a normal spread including pizza, cupcakes, scones with jam and cream mmmm. After this we headed back out for the relays and then Bruce announced the winner which created more screaming and running around in celebration!! 

Later that day Tamara and I went to a nearby shop called 'botswanacraft'. This was mentioned in my lonely planet book courtesy of Auntie Gill, Uncle Steve and Chris so I couldn't wait to get some good bargains. It was massive and specialised in the classic African crafts as well as traditional Botswana gifts too! As you can guess I came away with more bags than I went in with! Hopefully they will fit in my luggage on my return...

That evening we watched Anna Karenina which was actually really good. We have taken to watching one film a weekend, Tamara's brother has downloaded a load of movies from 2012 that Tamara has so that's really fun. All in all a busy Saturday with a chilled evening! 

Today I have actually had quite a lot to do! I have been researching places to stay for when I travel after MaP. This is very headache inducing as there are so many different options and packages! I also Skyped home, replied to emails and am updating my blog (as you can tell). Me and Adjoa might play tennis later as well if the heat dies down (we were inspired after spending the morning watching the final of the Aussie Open, poor Murrey!!)
 Next weekend is still open. We plan to join the Form 1 boarders and a teacher, (can't remember their name) who are walking up the large hill called Kgale Hill on Saturday morning. We leave in the dark and get up there for sunrise!

Ok, I will leave you with an interesting fact Adjoa told me-in government run schools in Botswana it is still perfectly acceptable to whip/cane kids! This is done for small or large offences which range from being late to class to missing a detention. So kids next time you complain about school in the UK, count yourself lucky you don't go to school in Botswana!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Don't worry, they're not that itchy (photo does not do justice)

I have 77 Mosquito bites. Yes ladies and gentlemen you read that correctly it's not a typo it's 77. How, why, you ask. It occurred because I thought the best wifi spot was outside the front office and I was out there for quite a while on Sunday. Now I can use the PE office whenever so Mosquitos:1 Jo:1
Here is a gross picture of my foot and leg feat mosquito bites.....

Sunday 20 January 2013

So much rain!

First weekend in Botswana!

Ok! So it's currently 3pm here on a sunny/ rainey Sunday. On Friday I helped out some more with the sports classes. This time I had to help teach....I had to teach shot put to some very unenthusiastic year 10s! Bruce was doing discus, Shambs was teaching javelin and then the groups would switch round each getting a go at each station. Bruce's advice to me on how to teach it was "get them to concentrate on technique". He then proceeded to do some sort of throwing movement which I guessed was how you throw a shot put. So really I was pretty clueless! All I had to go on was Bruce's throwing motion and my memory of shotput lessons at SWCHS. Nevertheless, I did a classic dan clark and made it up as I went along. It went ok and the kids didn't seem too confused!

On Saturday, Tamara and Adjoa took me to the local mall. To get there we took a 'combi'. This is how everyone travels around in Gabs. Is basically a very small and cramped minis bus with no seat belts and with a very relaxed driver!  Once at the local mall we had a look round the shops street stalls (lots of wooden animal carvings) and them went for lunch. It was really fun to see what Gaborone is like as I haven't been out of the school before.  We have a busy week coming up in the sports department. It is the inter house athletics next Saturday so we have practises and lots of admin to do. Busy busy!

P.s it has not stopped raining!it has rained so much on and off for about 4 days. I think I brought the British weather with me! Although I'm not complaining about it, it's a nice change from being baking hot!

Me and Tamara at the mall

Having Lunch

Very cramped Combi!

Saturday 19 January 2013

May I introduce to you.......

My new friends! From left to right, Kelly, Adjoa and Tamara. These are the other TAs. Kelly is in front office, Adjoa and Tamara are in science. As you can see we are playing cards (and we have also played UNO Hennie Rawe so that did come in useful thank you very much!) which we do a lot. I have learnt a few new games so dad there is no more chase the lady when we go on holiday now!

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Techinical Difficulties + First Day of School!

Ok, so I'm gonna work on the whole not being able to see the pictures and get back to you!

Today was really fun-first day of school. We had a whole school assembly which was COMPLETELY different to the ones at SWCHS. It was really relaxed and the students cheer and clap after the Principle says something they like. He introduced the new teachers and me! It was a little scary- I had to wave at 700 people. The Head of PE here, who I will be working with a lot, was one of the teachers introduced as he had been away for a term. Everyone calls him by his first name Bruce and when he was introduced 700 kids chanted his name-he is one popular guy! The weather wasn't as hot today (yippee!) and it rained which was an odd experience-warm weather but rain! I helped out with two classes today, both year 7 (known as Form 1's here). They were very enthusiastic and it was really fun. :)

Hope England isn't too boring without me!

J xxx

Monday 14 January 2013

I made it!!

I have internet!! Where do I begin? So after about the LONGEST day ever on Sunday after playing endless card games I walked through security, if a little teary eyed, and into the departure lounge. The Virgin flight was good although what wasn't good was the fact that the couple to the right of me across the aisle had a baby with them that could only just about hold its head up! Very surprisingly the baby didn't cry once! I wanted to kiss it when we landed but thought that would be pretty awkward. South Africa airport was hot, and confusing (Julie you would not be impressed with the signage! Very confusing!)  Then I had my biggest mission yet. The Air Botswana flight. It was a propeller plane with 4 seats across (also featured the Botswana national football team as passengers). So the flight was only 50 minutes, yay.  BUT...the pilot said before we took off, "it will be bumpy when we take off and land ladies and gentlemen"....ah. For those of you that know me well I do not like turbulence on planes so that wasn't fun, but I just shut my eyes for 50mins and attempted to sleep; which wasn't that difficult considering I had only had 4 hours on the Virgin flight. So anyway, we landed and I got off the plane and felt like my face was being melted off. IT IS SO HOT HERE! Hopefully I will get used to it and luckily there is a air cooling system in my room so it makes it a little more bearable. 

I met the driver who had come to pick me up and got to Maru-a-Pula in time for some lunch, fish and chips, how fitting. The people are all real lovely here. Adjoa and Tamara are two of the other TAs and they are really nice. They took me to the local 'mall',  which is just a dodgy looking club (it has called itself nite club!) and a small supermarket.

Tomorrow is our sort of briefing day, I'm helping the sports department (yes dad I know your laughing right now).  I can barely walk in this heat let alone run!! Here is the other killer: school is 7 till 12.40 and breakfast is at 6.20!!!!!!!!

Right I can't really think of much else to include. I will do another update hopefully some point this week. Hope England is nice, I kind of miss the cold, just a little! Love you all 

J xx