Thursday 9 May 2013

The End (for now!)

The last two days of the trip were just returning to the Johannesburg. My flight was on the 29th and I arrived back in England on a cold Tuesday morning at around 7am with a slightly more tanned face and a lot more stamps in my passport! Its feels very strange to be back and I do miss sunny Botswana and its incredibly relaxed pace of life. People keep asking me what the highlight was, what did i enjoy the most etc etc. At the moment I cannot pick just one part that was my favourite. The whole tour at the end was amazing but I really enjoyed just being in another country, learning about it's culture and meeting new people. And yes, while I have loved being back in my own bed and having home cooked food again, I would love to just pop off to some other random country but sadly that would mean coming back in summer and having absolutely no money for university which would be pretty stupid! So instead I will just dream and research countries to visit for the future so watch this space....

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