Saturday 4 May 2013

The day I left MaP...

So, this was almost a month ago which feels very strange! My last day was also the last day of term and so the school timetable was a little different. It was registration for the pupils, then SPE sign up for next term and then a whole school assembly which was 1-2 hrs long. It had a lot of presentations/performances which were there to sum up the term. There was also a goodbye thing for me with two students making a speech which was very touching saying things like I am now part of the MaP family and will be sorely missed (am not ashamed to say I did get a bit teary!) They also gave me a present which consisted of a neckalace, waterproof (which they said was for the English weather!), t-shirt and a small quilt of the map of Africa which is very pretty and soon to be hung up in my room!

After the assembly I said goodbye to a lot of people, lots of hugs and photos. One year 7 came up to say thank you and goodbye to me which was so sweet. The whole day was a bit of a blur and it feels very strange to think that a lot of the people i met and became such good friends with I wont see again. I do plan to stay in contact with a lot of them though!

That afternoon I had my flight to Johannesburg. This flight was not great but as you will learn from my next post compared to the 4 seater plane into the delta its nothing! When I arrived at the airport there was a driver that was meant to be picking me up. BUT (classic African attitude) there was no one there...

Now if this was me stepping off the plane straight from the UK i would be panicking BIG TIME. But after spending 3 months in Botswana I was pretty used to this chilled attitude and i guess a part of me had got more chilled so i just kind of stood around for a bit. Then after a while I thought maybe i should ring the lodge to check someones coming and they rang my taxi guy and he turned up!

So I arrived at the lodge and opened my bag to sort it out and found out there was a MAJOR SHAMPOO EXPLOSION. nightmaree. But i sorted this, I met my group, we had dinner and then went to bed ready for our early start to begin our tour!
The TAs (back left and front left are the day

Shams (other PE teacher) and I

Me and Clara

Me and some of the basketball guys

Miss Mange (boarding house mistress)

Naomi (currently qualified for swimming youth Olympics)

Bruce (his hair has been dyed yellow because he lost a bet where he said the house team L could not win inter house football and if they did he would dye his hair yellow, and then they did)

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