Tuesday 7 May 2013

Botswana Tour- Days 1-3


Day 1- departed from Drifters Johannesburg Lodge at 6.30 all ready for our 12 hour bus journey. This was from Jo'burg to Nata where we camped for one night and then carried on up to Maun known as the 'gateway to the Delta'. So we finally arrived at Nata at 8pm. We had a really nice dinner at the lodge getting to know our group and then we went to bed all ready for the next day.
S.A. Mountain Range (Photos get better, promise!)

Day 2: Up early and off to Makgadikgadi Bird Sanctuary (part of the Makgadikgadi Pans) which are part of the Kalahari and are one of the largest salt pans in the world. Although we didn't actually see that many birds we did see some flamingos and some wilderbeast!  
Back to Nata Lodge we went to pack up our tents and load the trailer (here we changed from the big truck we travelled from Jo'burg in, to a land cruiser and trailer. This trailer was stuffed with everything we needed: our bags, food, tents, cooking utensils, cool box, camping chairs and yes our toliet which we needed when wild camping (simply a fashionable seat with a hole in the middle and a hole in the ground!) So off we went for our first night wild camping in the Makgadikgadi Pans.
About 20km after we have taken the turning off the main road Ed, our guide, stops to pick up some elephant poo and teach us all about its uses (including floor polish and insect repellent). It was then we heard the loud HISSSSSSS. Yes, you guessed it, we had a flat tyre. In the middle of the wild African bush. With elephants. And lions. And it was getting dark. But never fear, there was a spare tyre! So Ed, with the help of the one other guy on our tour, quickly whipped off the flat one and got the spare tyre ready to put on. It was then they realised that one was....also flat. Ed was out of mobile coverage range and the radio in the car wasn't working so we were stuck!
Meanwhile us girls were all taking photos of the nice sunset so forgive me for not knowing the ins and outs of what they were trying to do next (see photo of a few of us standing on a tyre, had no idea why they asked us to do that). The long and short of it was, we had to set up our tents right there on the side of the track. In the morning Ed got up at sunrise and ran back until he got mobile coverage to ask how to fix the tyre.
In the Pans feat. land cruiser

Very dry soil!


Holding a dung beetle - dont worry its dead!

View (taken whilst the guys were fixing tyre!)

Helping fix the tyre (thats me in the background
standing on it)
Day 3- So after Ed managed to fix the tyre by changing something (typical girl eh) it was around 11 so we just went straight onto our camp at Maun. Once we arrived we set up camp, had some lunch and went into town to pick up some snacks and water for our next 4 days in the Delta.
Donkeys and Cows casually room the roads in Maun

The river view from the Maun campsite

Waiting for the truck after we bought our snacks in Maun.

1 comment:

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