Tuesday 26 March 2013

ISSA Basketball Weekend

This post is a short one sadly as not much to say due as i did a mid week post.
The only other thing i can remember from the week was being the scorer for the friendly U19 basketball game against another school on Wednesday. Little confusing at times considering I didn't always understand what hand signals the umpires were doing...

So the previous weekend I went with the U19 Boys, a U19 B Boys team (which was actually our U16 team) and Girls basketball team to ISSA, a school in Mafikeng South Africa. It was another tournament but unlike last time we left Saturday morning at 6. The tournament started on the Saturday and was the pool stages. I spent most of the time with the boys as Bruce wanted me to do a stats sheet for each player i..e how many baskets they made, how many they missed-things like that. Our U16 team lost all their games but put up a good fight considering some of them were only 14, the Girls lost 2 out of the their games they played on Saturday and the U19 Boys won all theirs coming top in their pool. That evening we went out to the Mall to get dinner-many of the Senior boys buying three main meals (and they ate them all that evening!) The next day it was the semi finals for the boys whilst the girls and the junior team played their position play off.  The senior boys sadly lost the semi final-they were all very angry with themselves after and so was Bruce! Nevertheless it was a fun weekend but unfortunately I did come away with rather bad sunburn on my back-although it isn't painful which is a good thing!

Today I was also scorer for the U14 basketball games after school which are actually hilarious to watch because they are so bad (sounds harsh but very true!). At one point the other team attempted a shot at the wrong basket!
This week is only 4 days due to Easter (they dont have creme eggs here!!!!) and this weekend I'm going to Moremi Gorge with the Parkers and some of the other families which will be fun.

Hope you all have a good Easter! xx

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