Thursday 4 April 2013

Time is Flying! :(

So last weekend it was the Easter break. So we broke up Thursday afternoon and then came back to school on Tuesday. I was originally meant to be going camping with Virginia and her family and some of the other families to Moremi Gorge but this fell through when one of the cars broke down about an hour before we left so we couldn’t go and instead I just stayed at Virginia’s house for the weekend. Nevertheless it was really nice to just chill and have nice home cooked food! Some of the things that we did included watching films, playing board games, playing basketball and baking with Clara (Virginia’s daughter) including making foccia bread (so fancy I know) we even had pancakes for breakfast one day mmm. Friday evening we went to the Jobson’s (one of the other families who live on MaP site as the parents are teachers) for dinner - to eat up the bolognaise that Sally had cooked for us to eat at the Gorge! Monday I went to the cinema to see Lincoln which was fun. Then one of the best parts of the weekend was the fact they asked if I wanted to stay for Monday dinner before I went back to the boarding house and we had ROAST CHICKEN. I was in heaven!

This week has gone very fast and I cannot believe it is Friday tomorrow (a week till I leave MaP). I’m going to save the nostalgia for my last post but I can’t believe how fast the weeks have gone by! Today it was the ISSSA Swimming Gala and MaP won for the 7th year in a row!! I was a timekeeper (v.important of course hehe) It was very fun coming back into school with Shams holding the trophy up and the driver beeping the horn. All the kids hanging around the front of school were clapping and cheering. On Saturday there is a fun day (aka a fete to us Brits), organised by sixth form with all proceeds going to the services the school runs like Makgassa Reading and Naledi Feeding. The money raised means these services can firstly, keep running and secondly buy things like more books. Anyway I will tell you more about it and how it goes in my next post. Can’t believe it’s my last weekend at MaP!! L

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