Thursday 21 March 2013

Makgassa Reading

So today was the last Makgassa Reading so i took my camera only to get some pictures. I cant remember whether I have previously mentioned but we do two things at the school. We read with the students and teach them basic computer skills as well. Today there were a lot of primary school kids and some even younger. They were very curious with a. the books and b. my camera so what started off with reading slowly progressed into a photoshoot with them holding up their books! When we left i couldnt get on the bus as there were about 5 kids actually hugging me around the waist and on the shoulders, I dont know whether this was an attempt to see the pictures/take more pictures or just stop me from leaving but it was very funny. Chaba and Milton also told me after that they were all saying "white girl, white girl" in Setswana. Imagine if in the UK a load of white primary school children starting saying "black girl, black girl" to someone-that would probably make the news!

Chaba and Milton teaching
some of the Makagassa students about Excell

Some of the Makgassa Students (they are holding their
lunch in their hands-chicken)

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