Friday 12 April 2013

Last Weekend and Week at MaP

So the last week has been and gone and it all feels very strange! Tomorrow is our last day but consists of only next terms SPE sign up and a whole school assembly which is about 2 hours long with various performances, speeches and presentations.

But back to last weekend! Saturday was the Fun Day. This was, as the name suggests, very fun! Us TAs and boarders helped out with many stalls, I helped with candy floss and front of house. I also took part in the Basketball Tournament 3 on 3 and although spent most of the time wondering what an earth was going on and chasing after the person i was meant to be marking i did actually score a basket! Although sadly my team did not win the tournament (I was with two of the American teachers, Pete and Mike). On Sunday i skped, went to one of the malls with Adjoa and Tamara to by some things for my trip and we grabbed some lunch at Nandos. Monday evening all the TAs that board and Vas (she TAs but doesnt board) went to Bull and Bush for our last meal out together. Monday night is 'rib night' where you get two racks of ribs for 6 pounds! I could only eat about half of mine-it was so big! This week in PE lessons they have been 'free lessons' aka let the students pick what they want to do and we oversee. I have taught them Belly Rounders though and they all love it! I think that shall be my legacy haha. I have also been preparing a short powerpoint to show the Drama Students as there is a Drama Trip to London in the holidays. I am just telling them a bit about London and the UK aka it rains a lot and we love sandwiches and cafes (there are almost no cafes here and supermarkets dont have a whole aisle dedicated to sandwiches, unlike us.)

For some reason this week seems really busy when actually i havent been doing any more than usual! I have been also doing the make up for the school production called Shaka Zula. It was on Tuesday, Wednesday and tonight is the Teachers performance which should be very very funny! I watched the performance Tuesday with all the boarders (we got in for free woop) and it was very good, they even use a real baby rather than a doll in one of the scenes (and he played his part very well, crying the whole way through!). Last nights dinner was Nandos, paid for by the school as its the end of term, as you can guess this caused much excitement within the boarding house!

So just to remind y'all i dont really know when I am next going to be able to update my blog. I leave for my tour thing Friday and as its camping for the majority of it I wont have internet access. I think I will get it when we stay at a lodge in Victoria Falls (for the 25th,26th and 27th) so i might be able to tell you all about my travels then! Otherwise if you are desperate to hear what I am doing go hunt my family down as I will be texting them updates. Wow this is very strange, I am very excited for my travels but it feels very weird to be leaving MaP!

Right, now I need to get on with packing and many other things. I cant believe I leave tomorrow!

I hope you all have a fantastic few weeks!

This just gives you some idea as to how busy i have been, I wrote this yesterday morning and I am only posting it now. Sorry for the lack of photos- I havent had the time to upload them!

Thursday 4 April 2013

Time is Flying! :(

So last weekend it was the Easter break. So we broke up Thursday afternoon and then came back to school on Tuesday. I was originally meant to be going camping with Virginia and her family and some of the other families to Moremi Gorge but this fell through when one of the cars broke down about an hour before we left so we couldn’t go and instead I just stayed at Virginia’s house for the weekend. Nevertheless it was really nice to just chill and have nice home cooked food! Some of the things that we did included watching films, playing board games, playing basketball and baking with Clara (Virginia’s daughter) including making foccia bread (so fancy I know) we even had pancakes for breakfast one day mmm. Friday evening we went to the Jobson’s (one of the other families who live on MaP site as the parents are teachers) for dinner - to eat up the bolognaise that Sally had cooked for us to eat at the Gorge! Monday I went to the cinema to see Lincoln which was fun. Then one of the best parts of the weekend was the fact they asked if I wanted to stay for Monday dinner before I went back to the boarding house and we had ROAST CHICKEN. I was in heaven!

This week has gone very fast and I cannot believe it is Friday tomorrow (a week till I leave MaP). I’m going to save the nostalgia for my last post but I can’t believe how fast the weeks have gone by! Today it was the ISSSA Swimming Gala and MaP won for the 7th year in a row!! I was a timekeeper (v.important of course hehe) It was very fun coming back into school with Shams holding the trophy up and the driver beeping the horn. All the kids hanging around the front of school were clapping and cheering. On Saturday there is a fun day (aka a fete to us Brits), organised by sixth form with all proceeds going to the services the school runs like Makgassa Reading and Naledi Feeding. The money raised means these services can firstly, keep running and secondly buy things like more books. Anyway I will tell you more about it and how it goes in my next post. Can’t believe it’s my last weekend at MaP!! L