Sunday 24 February 2013

Boarder's Trip Photos

On the way to Waterpark (Valley of the Waves)!

Very excited about the water park!

By entrance to Valley of the Waves 

Valley of the Waves (on the right in distance you can
see the Slide of Courage aka the verticle drop of death)

very excited group shot by entrance to Valley of the Waves

Relaxing on the boat ride!

The Explorers

The Casino!

Exploring Sun City

View of Sun City Golf Course and lake from Hotel Lift
(goes up 15 floors). We were with some of the other students and
for one of them it was his first time in a lift and he is 16.

Exploring Sun City

Chilling by the waterfall

packing up the tents :(

Group Shot!

By the (very small) waterfall!

So every student got given a 2 LITRE bottle of fizzy for dinner
today. I was confused as to why it was so much and
felt a picture was needed to capture the moment! (also i would like to point
out that i have a tan!!!!)

Another week gone...

Time is flying by! I cant really remember much which went on in the week, I should really start writing it down! Main things I remember:

-Had to administer first aid on a kid that fell over in a PE lesson because the nurse wasn't in and Shambs had to cover the class. He had just scraped his arm but it was quite sore and he had bruised his elbow-Bruce arrived a little while later after his meeting so he took over luckily (didnt 100% know what i was doing!).

- We had a power cut on Thursday evening from 3.30pm to 10.30pm. Now I used to be envious of my friends who live in villages who get powercuts. I can say now that i am no longer jealous. We get them here about once a week, sometimes they last five minutes sometimes hours (and in this case, 7!!) I had to pack for the boarders trip in the dark using my phone as a torch, I only realised the next day that i actually did bring a torch with me, I had just completely forgotten...such an idiot!

The Weekend:

Boarders Trip!

These occur every year and they normally always go to the Rustenburg area in South Africa. We left Friday lunchtime and camped at the Rustenburg Kloof Resort, really pretty and luckily enough the weather cooled down in the evenings so it was not hot in the tents!! (i even put a jumper on in the evenings-the first time i have worn one in a month!). All the TAs went on the trip and we helped the teachers out with organising the food, making sure everyone had their passports etc. Friday evening we went to get the food for everyone. This was from KFC. These trips are notorious for getting excessive amounts of food and it lived up to its expectations on the first night. Dinner was a 'free loader box' which consisted of a chicken burger, massive portion of chips, another piece of chicken and a portion of mash. I did not eat it all!

Saturday: We had breakfast at Wimpys (mmm so healthy-although my waffle did have 5 slices of banana on so i did try!!) This was Sun City day! Sun City is like a resort, probably in some ways a wannebe Vegas. It has a casino, superbowl, arcades, hotels, crocodile farm, maze and much more! We went for the waterpark but also got entrance to the grounds of Sun City. This waterpark is called 'Valley of the Waves' and was extremely fun. There was even a slide which starts off being less than vertical (aka you are falling). I could not bring myself to go on that, sorry kids! We just went on the other slides, one which was on the pitch black. Lunch was Nandos (at one point we realised one of the kids wasn't there and the teacher said, ah we will find her, needless to say we did and she wasn't in any way worried-they are all so chilled here!)

After lunch we went for a walk round Sun City, we walked through the fancy hotel, casino, saw the golf course and went on a boat ride on the lake which was very chilled. We also bought these amazing chocolates-they are Rolos which are about 2 inches wide and tasted extremely good. This is probably a very boring addition to the blog but i felt like it needed to be shared! We spent the whole day there and left all feeling very happy but tired! For dinner we went to the supermarket with the teacher who decided it was going to be a healthy supper and bought a load of fruit, juice and yoghurts. As you can imagine the students (especially the guys) were not happy!

 Sunday: In the morning we all went for an hours walk up to a waterfall which was really pretty and chilled. Then after we got back we had breakfast (cooked breakfast-argh get me something healthy!) and then we went shopping at a mall. Here are three things I learnt while at the mall:

1)it is perfectly acceptable for kids to not wear shoes-many SA kids dont but i dont really understand why as when you see the bottom of their foot as they walk it is completely black! yucky!

2) dummys for babys are known here as pacifiers

3)South Africa has the 2nd highest rate of obesity

 So that was my weekend (oh yes and lunch on Sunday was Nandos and dinner was KFC eurgh)

 I will leave you with a slightly bizarre story which we still haven't worked out:
  We all had to take out stuff out of the tents on Saturday and leave it in the bus to avoid the potential theft. So we pegged our tents down to ensure no gust of wind would then make them blow away (even though it wasnt even remotely windy)
 When we returned it was getting dark and Tamara said, urm guys i cant see my tent. So we walk over (me, Tamara, Kelly and Adjoa) with all of us saying oh Im sure its there but it wasnt... I start laughing at the thought of someone stealing the tent as the pegs were still in the ground. Then we realise, about a good 10 meters away there was her tent sort of up against a tree! All very very strange!

Hope you all have a great week. Pictures to follow, if they ever load! x

Monday 18 February 2013

'Basketball Trip Photos

inside court, girls game

One of the outside courts, you can see at the back all of the MaP supporters!

We had dinner at this Mall Saturday night, weird place-meant to look like some italian village

View from the bus on the way home

Something for you all to laugh at-my tan lines on my feet from wearing my sandles most days since i got her!

Basketball Fever

So, last weekend was the basketball U19 AISJ tournament. I can honestly say I have seen more basketball in one weekend than i have ever and its was extremely fun! The game is really exciting to watch as its very fast paced and the crowds were all upbeat-cheering and chanting their team on (i came away with a slightly sore throat!)
The tournament held at AISJ (American International School Johannesburg) and it is very plush-fees are about 2.5 times more than MaP and the facilities are insane. They include a swimming pool, 4 basketball courts, a small golf course, and lots of fields! The tournament has been running for 19 years and this year had 24 teams entered (the most ever)-12 schools with a boys and girls team each. They had come from very far-one was from Mozambique another from the Congo.
So Thursday we left at 11am but of course this is African departure time so it ended up being 11.30 that we left! The journey took quite a while so with stops we ended up arriving at about 6 at the hotel. I was very lucky and had my own room-a double bed-bliss!

Friday-this was the first day of matches and they were friendlys. The only thing that the resutls determined was the draw for who played who on Saturday-the actual tournament. The girls ended up loosing all their matches but the boys won all of theirs! I had the school camera with me and was in charge of taking shots for the yearbook-I am hoping to get hold of some so when i do i will put them on here!

Saturday-tournament time! The girls, having lost all of their games had their first match at 8am and won! Sadly their second game (the quarter finals) they lost. The boys didnt play till 12 as they had been ranked first after Fridays games. This meant, as the girls were out, there were alot of supporters for MaP aka a lot of cheering and chanting. The boys got all the way to the final which was against AISJ!

The final *duh duh duhhhh*. Wow this was so intense. It was played on the inside court which had a stand which was full with spectators-this included the teams that had stayed behind, all of which were supporting us! It was a VERY close game, we went up, then they scored, then we scored-all of us spent alot of time chanting! In the last 10 seconds (they have that clock on the scoreboard that counts down seconds)we were up by 3 points. We were all ready to run on but as the whistle went an AISJ guy threw the ball in an attempt to get a 3 pointer. We all thought we had won as once the whistle went we stopped watching but we then realised AISJ were celebrating as well and it was because the AISJ guy had got it in meaning they had come level with MaP! This resulted in a 3 minute extra time with both teams scoring but at the end it was still a tie! So ANOTHER 3 minutes were added to the clock. I cant remember the details (i just remember being very tense) but basically we were up by 1 but then they scored a basket in the last 20 seconds so they were then up by 1 (you get two points for a basket) and we just couldnt score in 20 seconds so we lost :( all the guys were completely gutted. Especially because, and i didnt realise this till after, a lot of the calls made by the reffs were a bit unfair towards MaP. One AISJ parent went up to Bruce at the end and said my kids on the winning team but you guys won that game. Alot of coaches from other teams thought that the 3 pointer shouldnt have been allowed as many believe it was after the whistle. Our guys were not very bitter about it though and neither was Bruce. There is another basketball tournament end of March which I think is when they are hoping to beat AISJ!

So a lot of drama and a very intense game-it reminded my of the rugby world cup final except this time there was no drop goal with seconds to go (or in this case, a basket!)

Sunday 10 February 2013

Photos from 4th weekend...

Painting the undercoat in stylish paint protecter

painting the letters


Braai Time!

Tamara and I enjoying the braai

so much food!

pre game drive (very excited)


dead chameleon mmm


checking out the animals


thunderstorm-lots of rain!