Sunday 30 December 2012


Done a lot of shopping for stuff that I will need which is incredibly stressful and confusing-attempting to find clothes that will help me survive in 40 degrees is not easy! Cotton for some reason is not a material shops use for their clothes this time of year in the UK (wonder why!) . Christmas is over (sad) but I got many useful things for Botswana (not sad) and the new year is fast approaching which means Botswana is a'coming!

Sunday 30 September 2012

One Step Closer...

I just booked my flights! This is really happening and I'm so excited but a little bit scared.

So I thought I would explain what my plans are for when I'm out in Botswana. Basically, I am going to be working in a school called Maru-a-Pula which is situated in the capitol called Gaborone for the first term from 16th January to the 12th April.

My title is Teacher Assisstant but I'm going to be doing all sorts of things including helping out in the PE lessons in the morning, and in the co-curricular programme in the afternoon. This is stuff like helping out with the School Newsletter and accompying students to the local orphanages where they volunteer.
I get my accomodation and meals in term time paid for by the school and will help the Girls Boarding Headmistress with 'house matters and duties.' AND I get paid £70 a month which mum, a little irresponsibly said, "ooo you could buy some nice clothes with that!"

The school's website is if any of you want to have a look. Although the students have to pay to go there are loads of scholarships and the school is very unusual in the amount of community projects it has (which is one of the reasons that it really appealed to me.)

After the 12th April who knows what will happen, my view at the moment is to go on a safari and visit Victoria Falls and then fly back on the 29th April but then if I'm loving it I can stay on another term or go travelling. Just going to see what happens really.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Shit Man!

woah, creating a gap year blog, this shit's getting serious!  I really want to keep this up when I'm out in Bostwana so that all you crazy gals and guys can see how I'm getting on. Thought I would set it up now that Mara-u-Pula said they would take me! I never really realised just how much administrative stuff I'm gonna have to do, looking at flights, visas, jabs etc is gonna take some serious organisation but many of you do say that I'm such a fan of the organising which i guess is true....
so this is my first of (hopefully) many posts to this blog! 
xoxo gossip girl 
(always wanted to do that)